Kenji Kamiyama director recently revealed a new animated film project entitled Hirune Hime ~ Watashi no Shiranai Monogatari ~. The film is scheduled to premiere in Japanese theaters en2017, and will be the first project of Kamiyama from 009 Re: Cyborg in 2012. The official website of the film showed the designs of two characters: a girl protagonist called Kokone Morikawa and a sidecar that transforms into a robot called Hearts. It can also be a fund on the web.
Hirune Hime - 01
Hirune Hime - 02

The film is set in Okayama Prefecture in 2020, just before the Tokyo Olympics, and Kamiyama describes the story as one of "father and daughter" who are very close to their personal feelings.

Signal.MD, the new animation studio subsidiary I.G Port, will be responsible for encouraging the film as his first film project. Kenji Kamiyama (Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex, Higashi no Eden) is responsible for the direction and write the script. Satoko Morikawa (The Cat Returns, Higashi no Eden) will design the characters, while Shigeto Koyama (Michiko to Hatchin, Seirei not Moribito, Heroman) will handle the mechanicals designs. The animator Christophe Ferreira confirmed his participation in the film as responsible for concept art, storyboards and animation. Warner Bros. will distribute the film.

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