The official website of the animated television adaptation of the series of novels Re: Zero Kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu Tappei written by Shintaro Nagatsuki and illustrated by Otsuka has posted the fifth of the short spinoff that are issued after each episode of the anime. The shorts are titled Re: Break Time Zero Kara Hajimeru and present the characters in super-deformed version.

The shorts feature the same cast as the main animated series, including Yusuke Kobayashi as Subaru Natsuki, Rie Takahashi as Emilia and Yumi Uchiyama as Pack.

Minoru Ashina (Otaryman, ONA Madan no Ou to Vanadis) is the director, screenwriter and producer of the short low Studio Puyukai. Minoru Takehara (ONA Madan no Ou to Vanadis) is responsible for the design of the super-deformed characters and also appears to be responsible for the animation with Chisato Totsuka and Sumi Kimoto. The music is by Kenichiro Suehiro, sound effects Tomoji Furuya Suwara Pro, and sound direction Jin Aketagawa under Magic Capsule.

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