The official website of the animated television adaptation of the novels Nejimaki Seirei Senki: Tenkyou not Alderamin of Bokuto One (writer) and Sanbaso and Ryutetsu (illustrators) announced who put music to the series subjects.

The rock band Kishida & The Akeboshi Rockets Kyodan put the opening with "Tenkyo not Alderamin". The band has issues series like Highschool of the Dead, strike the blood or GATE.

The ending will Kano with "Nameless", who already put issues Heavy Object or Wish Upon the Pleiades.

The series will premiere in July.

Tetsuo Ichimura (director of the second OVA Ane Log) lead the Madhouse anime low. Kunio Katsuki (Aoi Bungaku) ​​is responsible for the character designs, and Shogo Yasukawa (Shokugeki not Soma) will handle the composition series. Sound direction will Yoshikazu Iwanami (Baccano !, Kill the Kill).

The cast is announced:

Nobuhiko Okamoto as Ikuta Soroku
Risa Taneda as Yatorishino Igsem
Ryosuke Kanemoto as Torway Remion
Junji Majima as Matthew Tetdrich
Haruka Chisuga as Haroma Bekker
Inori Minase as Shamille Kitra Katvarnmaninik
The Empire Katvarna is engaged in a long war with the neighboring Republic of Kioka. Ikuta is a boy of 17 who lives in the Empire Katvarna and although it is a vague first and their only interest seems to be women, for things in life just doing the test that prepares senior commanders of the army . Against all odds, Ikuta pass the exam and more than just becoming a great commander admired by all, and that his great intellect will become a great resource when it comes to survive in a world consumed by war ...

Kadokawa launched the first novel in June 2012, but due to health problems Sanbaso, Ryutetsu took his place as an illustrator from the sixth novel. The ninth volume went on sale in April.

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