June issue of Shueisha Ribon announces that on May 31 a new episode of the animated adaptation of the manga Zekkyo Gakkyu Tensei Emi Ishikawa be issued. The episode will adapt the sixth chapter of the manga and will be issued within the space Oha Suta TV-Tokyo. The first short adapting the manga was broadcast last Tuesday, also being able to see via the official YouTube channel of the magazine Ribon.

The sleeve Zekkyo Gakkyu Ishikawa is starring a girl named Yomi ghost horror stories featuring the reader. Ishikawa began publishing the work in the pages of the magazine Ribon in 2008, having published his tome 20 and end in March 2015. In June 2015 Ishikawa launched the sequel Zekkyo Gakkyu Tensei, which Shueisha published his second volume on 25 of March.

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