The animated television adaptation of Tomo Takeuchi's manga Ballroom and Youkoso begins the year premiering a first promotional video in which we can hear the theme "Chandelier Waltz" by Unison Square Garden. The anime will be released in summer.

The direction of the series will be in the hands of Yoshimi Itazu (Yume-Miru Kikai, director of animation in Dennou Coil), who will work under the study Production I.G. The composition of the series will be by Kenichi Suemitsu (Isobe Isobee Monogatari), while the character designs will be put by Takahiro Kishida (Baccano !, Haikyu !!). Yuki Hayashi (Haikyu !!, Gundam Build Fighters) will compose the music.

 Takara Fujita is a high school student who wants to be good at something, albeit to his dismay, he is average and does not stand out at all. His life goes on until the day when thugs of the area get involved with him and save him an unknown man. After that, the man takes him to a dance class. Inspired by what he sees in that class, and especially by the dancer Hanaoka Shizuku and his partner Hyoudou Kiyoharu, Fujita will decide to devote himself to the ball.

Takeuchi started the series on the pages of Monthly Shonen Magazine in 2011, having released its eighth volume compilation in October of 2015.

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