The animated television adaptation of BanG Dream !, a project of female band that mixes "characters and real life", has posted a new promotional video that presents its opening. The series will be released on January 21.

The anime will be starring Kasumi Toyama, a girl who finds a star-shaped guitar in a pawnshop. Besides Kasumi there will be four other girls who will dream of finding a place to shine.
The seiyuus of the project are:

Aimi Terakawa as Kasumi Toyama
Ayasa Itou as Arisa Ichigaya
Rimi Nishimoto as Rimi Ushigome
Sae Oozuka as Tae Hanazono
Ayaka Ohashi as Saya Yamabuki
The direction of the anime will be by Atsushi Ootsuki (Working '!!) under the animation studios Issen and Xebec. The original story is by Kou Nakamura, while Yuniko Ayana (Locodol) will be in charge of the series composition. The original character designs are by Hitowa, adapting them to the anime Matsuko Nita. Finally, the musical production will be from Junpei Fujita (Grisaia no Kajitsu) and Noriyasu Uematsu.

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