The staff of the anime Himote House launched a crowdfunding campaign for an episode of OVA without broadcasting, and the campaign already met its goal on Sunday. As of this Monday, the campaign has already surpassed the goal of 3,500,000 yen (about $ 31,000 dollars) for "episode 10.5 at the same level of quality as the previous ones" on DVD, plus the goal of 5,250,000 yen (close $ 47,000 dollars) for the Blu-ray version.
The new episode will have 3 parts: "Gokuburi Taiji-Kai" (The episode of extermination of cockroaches), "Mikōkai PPP" (unpublished PPP), and "Mikōkai Enishi to Nyarin no O-Sanpo" (The unprecedented walk of Enishi & Nyarin ). The audio for "Gokuburi Taiji-Kai" was recorded previously for a promotional radio program for the anime.
If the campaign raises 14 million yen (about $ 125,000), the staff will ask "certain famous animation studio" to produce the episode in "high quality CG". If the campaign raises 35 million yen (about $ 313,000), the staff will ask "some famous animation studio" to produce the episode with hand-made frames instead of CG.
The 12-episode anime premiered on October 7 and concluded on December 23. Crunchyroll aired the anime at the same time it was broadcast in Japan.

Kōtarō Ishidate (gdgd Fairies, Tesagure! Bukatsu-monkey, Naria Girls) directed the anime at Bouncy Studios, and is also credited with the original idea as well as the composition of the series.
The booota artist (novels Seven Senses of the Re'Union) designed the characters.
Mikinori Suzuki (Bakuon !!, 3DCG animation by Yowamushi Pedal) is credited as animation director.
Jun'ichi Inoue (Minarai Diva, Tesagure! Bukatsu-monkey) and Hajime (Minarai Diva, Q Transformers: Kaettekita Convoy no Nazo) composed the music.
The comedy anime focuses on 5 girls and a cat who live inside a house in Nakano, Tokyo: the 3 sisters Himote (Tokiyo, Kinami, and Kokoro) of which their family administers the "Himote House", the companions of class of Kokoro, Tae and Minamo, and the cat Enishi. The chichas live their daily life trying to figure out ways to become popular, and they (and the cat) possess a mysterious secret power.

Source: ANN

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