The light novel series is written by Natsume Akatsuki who began publishing on the Shousetsuka ni Narou website in December 2012. The Kadokawa publishing house began publishing on paper with illustrations by Kurone Mishima in October 2013. The work has inspired multiple adaptations. in different media, including manga and other spin-off novels.
The anime adaptation premiered in January 2016, followed by a second season aired in January 2017. These two adaptations were made by Studio Deen. However, the movie later switched from animation studio to JC Staff studios.
Followed by an embarrassing death, Kazuma Satou, a Japanese teenager, meets the goddess Aqua who offers him to reincarnate in a parallel world with elements of an RPG, where he can go on adventures and fight monsters.
Despite being offered cheat items and abilities for use in the new world, Kazuma, due to provocation, chooses to take Aqua with him. This is how this adventure to defeat the Demon King will begin, or so it is supposed ...
Source: @konosubaanime
© 2019 Natsume Akatsuki / Kurone Mishima / KADOKAWA / Movie This Subaru Production Committee
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