The official website of the animated television adaptation of the manga Big Order Sakae esuno has revealed that the series will consist of 10 episodes. The series will launch two BD Box will contain five episodes each, the first coming on July 29 at a price of 15,000 yen, and the second on September 30 at the same price. DVD series will consist of five volumes with two episodes each, launching the first on July 29 and the last on November 25.

The story unfolds in a world in which the strength of desires can make the fairies granted special powers to people, and these people with powers are known as Orders. What makes each with its powers depends on your own desires. Eiji Hoshimija is a current student who 10 years ago lived the event known as the "great destruction", in which many people died, and with which he was associated. Eiji small always wanted the destruction of the world, and was the cause of this terrible event. While bears the consequences of what happened in secret, tries his great power.

One day class is transferred to a new girl: Rin Kurenai. The girl seems very attractive to Eiji, which he will try to befriend her. When Eiji is back home after classes, he discovers that someone is following: the Rhine itself.

The cast and crew of the new TV series coincides with that of the previous OVA, being Nobuharu Kamanaka director under Asread animation studio. Katsuhiko Takayama (Mirai Nikki, Aldnoah.Zero) will be the main writer, while Chika Kojima will handle the character designs.

Esuno launched the manga in Monthly Shonen Ace of Kadokawa Shoten in 2011. The anime premiered last week.

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