Giga Chouju anime Sengoku: Ko, a series that mimics the classical Japanese art style sumi-e and premiered this week, will have a second season next January. The first season will air from October to December, followed by the second from January to March as Choji Giga Sengoku: Otsu. In total there will be 26 episodes aired for six months.
The seiyuu Yukihiro Takiguchi will join the second season of the anime.
The story depicts several historical figures of the Sengoku era Japanese like animals as curious situations of their daily lives and real situations.
Takashi Sumida (Sengoku Nabe TV) is responsible for directing the series under ILCA, with Ryoichi Tsuchiya (Urero Mikakunin Shojo) and Hiromu Kumamoto (Kagewani) responsible for the scripts. Yurisa Ueda is responsible for the animation and Kensaku Sakai (5LDK) appears as the "brain". Japanese artist Nielsen is responsible for the key animation.
Seiyuu Megumi Hayashibara makes the voices narrator, also counting the deal with Hashinosuke Nakamura as Oda Nobunaga, Toyotomi Hideyoshi Ryota Murai as Masanari Wada and as Tokugawa Ieyasu.
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