The official website of Manga Time magazine Kirara Carat of the Houbunsha company revealed on the cover for the June issue that the anime adaptation of manga Machikado Mazoku by Izumo Ito will be released in July on the TBS and BS-TBS channels.

Hiroaki Sakurai (Sakigake !! Cromartie Koukou, Kaichou wa Maid-sama !, Saiki Kusuo no Psi-nan) directs the anime in the studio JC Staff. Keiichirō Ōchi (Kiniro no Corda: Blue Sky, Hinamatsuri, Gotoubun no Hanayome) is overseeing the scripts of the series. Mai Otsuka (Shakugan no Shana, Non Non Biyori, Kono Bijutsubu ni wa Mondai ga Aru!) Is designing the characters.
The manga was launched in Manga Time magazine, Kirara Carat, in September 2014. The company Houbunsha published the fourth volume compiled last October.

The story follows Yūko Yoshida, a 15-year-old girl who awakens one morning with demonic magical abilities who must defeat the mahou shoujo of her city! Suddenly he has horns and a tail, but his strength does not exceed that of a normal girl. In order to break her curse by "40,000 yen per month," she gets going!
Source: ANN

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