During a live broadcast to commemorate Kimirano's first anniversary, a website focused on light novel distribution created by Kadokawa, it was revealed that the Sentouin light novel series, Hakenshimasu! written by Natsume Akatsuki (Author of KonoSuba!) and illustrated by Kakao Lanthanum, they will have an anime adaptation. The production team as well as the release date for this release are not yet revealed.

Sentouin, Hakenshimasu!
The Kadokawa publisher released Sentouin's first tome, Hakenshimasu! In November 2017 and at the moment, 5 volumes have been published, the most recent released on January 1.

The novels have a manga adaptation which is illustrated by Masaaki Kiasa and whose publication has been made in Monthly Comic Alive magazine since March 2018. The third volume of the manga was published in September 2019.

The comedy centers on No.6 and Alice, some 'Fighting Androids' whose bodies have been specifically rebuilt to conquer worlds. However, during their most recent mission, they come across a planet full of very eccentric people who will show them their luck.

Source: ANN


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